Matsuda Hikaru | Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medic
- 同名の論文著者
- Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicの論文著者
Horio Masaru
Ehime University
Matsuda H
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Hyogo Medical College
HORI Masatsugu
Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
Matsuda Hikaru
Cardiovascular Division Osaka Polici Hospital
Hori Masatsugu
大阪大学 医学系研究科循環器内科学
Matsuda Hikaru
Department Of Internal Medicine And Therapeutics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Makino H
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Denti
Kohno Masakazu
香川大学 医学部循環器内科
HORI Masatsugu
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Kohno Masakazu
香川大学 医学部総合診療部
Hori M
Hyogo University Of Health Sciences
Kohno Masakazu
Department Of Cardiorenal And Cerebrovascular Medicine Kagawa University Medical School
Kohno Masakazu
Department Of Cardiorenal And Cerebrovascular Medicine Kagawa University
Hori Masatsugu
大阪大学 大学院医学系研究科内科系臨床医学専攻核医学講座
Makino H
Department Of Medicine And Clinical Science Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry
Sawa Yoshiki
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Osaka Graduate School Of Medicine
Sawa Yoshiki
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Matsuo H
Department Of Internal Medicine Circulatory And Body Fluid Regulation Faculty Of Medicine University
Makino Hirofumi
岡山大学 医歯学総合研究科腎・免疫・内分泌代謝内科学
Matsumoto Masayasu
Osaca 2 Study Group
Matsumoto Masayasu
Department Of Clinical Neuroscience And Therapeutics Hiroshima University Graduate School Of Biomedi
Makino Hirofumi
大阪大学 医学系研究科老年・腎臓内科学
Suga H
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Suga Hiroyki
Department Of Systems Physiology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharma
Hori Masatsugu
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
SAKATA Yasuhiko
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Sakata Yasushi
Department of Cardiovascular medicine, Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiology Kagawa University
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
香川大学 循環器・腎臓・脳卒中内科
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiology Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Yamaguchi Takahiro
Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine:department Of Surger
Hasegawa Shinji
大阪大学 核医学
Hasegawa S
Department Of Tracer Kinetics And Nuclear Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hasegawa Shinji
大阪大学 大学院医学系研究科核医学
USAMI Masaya
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
SHIMIZU Masahiko
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
SUNA Shinichiro
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
SATO Hiroshi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Osaka Police Hospital
Takeda Yasuharu
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Yamamoto Kazuhiro
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Hasegawa Shinji
Department of Cardiology, Osaka Koseinenkin Hospital
UEDA Yasunori
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Hirayama Atsushi
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Medicine Nihon University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Tatsuya
Institute Of Advanced Biomedical Engineering And Science Tokyo Women's Medical University
Ito Hiroshi
Division of Cardiology, Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Iwakura Katsuomi
Division of Cardiology, Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Fujii Kenshi
Division of Cardiology, Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Iwakura K
Cardiovascular Center Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Hirayama A
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Medicine Nihon University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Kenjiro
Division Of Cardiology Osaka Rosai Hospital
Sakata Y
Center For Advanced Medical Engineering And Informatics Osaka University
Seino Yoshihiko
Cardiovascular Center Chiba-hokusoh Hospital Nippon Medical School
Abe Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicin
Tsubakihara Yoshiharu
Department Of Kidney Disease And Hypertension Osaka General Medical Center
Suna Shinichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kitakaze Masafumi
Division Of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
Kitakaze Masafumi
Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kitakaze Masafumi
Cardiovascular Div. Of Medicine National Cardiovascular Center
Nishino Masami
Division of Cardiology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
Koretsune Yukihiro
Osaka National Hospital
Tanouchi Jun
Osaka Acute Coronary Insufficiency Study (OACIS) Group
Shimizu Masahiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tanouchi Jun
Osaka Rosai Hospital Division Of Cardiology
Tanouchi Jun
大阪労災病院 循環器科
Tanouchi Jun
大阪大学 第1内科
Nakatani Daisaku
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takeda Yasuharu
Center For Advanced Medical Engineering And Informatics Osaka University
Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
ITO Hiroshi
Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Osaka National Hospital
TAKEDA Hiroshi
Department of Medical Information Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Ohtani Tomohito
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Mano Toshiaki
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Nishio Mayu
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Okuyama Yuji
Department of Cardiology, Osaka General Medical Center
Department of Cardiovascular Dynamics, Research Institute, National Cardiovascular Center
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Cardiovascular Center
Department of Organ Transplantation, National Cardiovascular Center
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
NEMOTO Takayoshi
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Yozu Ryohei
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine
ONO Minoru
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The University of Tokyo
KYO Shunei
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The University of Tokyo
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mitsui Memorial Hospital
石田 良雄
WATANABE Yoshiyuki
Department of Epidemiology for Community Health and Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medici
Keio University
Takayama Tadateru
Division of cardiology, Department of Medicine, Nihon University school of Medicine
Fukuyama Hidenao
Department Of Brain Pathophysiology Human Brain Research Center Kyoto University School Of Medicine
Division of Image Analysis, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Sakamoto Kenji
熊本大学 医学教育部循環器病態学
石田 良雄
国立循環器病センター 放射線診療部アイソトープ診療科
HIRANO Ken-ichi
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Koide Shunichi
熊本大学 循環器内科
葛谷 恒彦
国立循環器病センター 内科心臓血管 部門
葛谷 恒彦
Sato Sumiko
Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering
Departments of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School
Kawamoto Manabu
Kawamoto Manabu
Division Of Genomic Medicine Department Of Advanced Biomedical Engineering And Science Tokyo Women&a
Kawamoto Manabu
Institute Of Rheumatology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University
Okamura Atsunori
Division of Cardiology, Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Komamura K
Department Of Cardiovascular Dynamics Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Yamamoto Haruko
Takeda Hiroshi
Department Of Medical Information Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Inoue Hiroko
Division Of Cardiology Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
植原 敏勇
大阪大学医学部附属病院中央放射線部(現 植原医院)
植原 敏勇
植原 敏勇
Takagi Hiromichi
Department Of Medical Information Science Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sato Y
Department Of Cardiology Kawaguchi Municipal Medical Center
Miyashita K
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery National Cardiovascular Center
Kamakura Shiro
Suyama Kazuhiro
国立循環器病センター 心臓血管内科
Ueno Masaki
Department of Pathology and Host Defense, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University
Ito Hisao
Department Of Radiology Graduate School Of Medicine Chiba University
Iwao H
Department Of Pharmacology Osaka City University Medical School
Kamada Takenobu
The First Department Of Medicine And The Department Of Medical Information Science
Kosuge Kotoko
日本大学 医学部内科学系腎臓高血圧内分泌内科
Kosuge Kotoko
Division Of Nephrology Hypertension And Endocrinology Department Of Medicine Nihon University School
Matsuyama Akifumi
大阪大学 医学系研究科心臓血管外科
Matsuyama Akifumi
Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Medical Center For Translational Research Osaka University Gradua
NAKAMURA Toshikazu
Biomedical Research Center, Osaka University School of Medicine
Komuro Issei
Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University graduate School of Medicine
Ogasawara Nobuyuki
Cardiovascular Division Osaka Police Hospital
Iwao Hiroshi
Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
Inanami Hitoshi
大阪掖済会病院 循環器
Kodama K
Cardiovascular Division Osaka Police Hospital
Nishikimi Toshio
Yokohama Rosai Hospital
Iwao Hiroshi
大阪市立大学 医学部薬理学
Iwao Hiroshi
大阪市立大学 医学部薬効安全性学
Kosuge Masami
Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
SAITO Satoshi
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
OHKAWA Motoomi
Department of Radiology, Kagawa Medical University
Mizuno Hiroya
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mizuno Hiroya
大阪大学 医学系研究科循環器内科学
Mizuno Hiroya
Department Of Internal Medicine And Therapeutics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shirao Kuniaki
Gastrointestinal Oncology Division National Cancer Center Hospital
Nakajima Toshiharu
Yamamoto Kazuhiko
The Center For Advanced Medical Engineering And Informatics Osaka University
Matsubara Hiroaki
京都府立医科大学 循環器内科学
Kitakaze Masafumi
国立循環器病センター 心臓血管
Komamura Kazuo
Nanto Shinsuke
Cardiovascular Division, Kansai Rosai Hospital
Fukunami Masatake
Division of Cardiology, Osaka General Medical Center
Sato Hiroshi
Osaka Acute Coronary Insufficiency Study (OACIS) Group
Saito S
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Keiai Hospital
Sugino K
Department Of Cardiology Amagasaki Central Hospital
Yoshikawa Junichi
Department Of Cardiorenal Cerebrovascular Medicine Kagawa University Faculty Of Medicine
Okuyama Yuji
Department Of Cardiology Osaka General Medical Center
Nakano Susumu
Department Of Advanced Cardiovascular Therapeutics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanto Shinsuke
日本大学 医学部循環器内科学分野
Nanto Shinsuke
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanto Shinsuke
千里病院 循環器
Department of Nephrology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
HORIO Masaru
Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Komatsu Sei
Department of Cardiology, Amagasaki Central Hospital
Kodama Kazuhisa
Department of Cardiology, Nihon University School of Medicine
Okuyama Yuji
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Ohmori Yosuke
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Ohyabu Jota
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Okada Katsuki
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Murakawa Tomokazu
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Matsui Machiko
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Higo Tomoaki
Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Police Hospital
Matsuo Hiroshi
Cardiovasvular divisioin, Osaka Police Hospital
Kodama Kazuhisa
Osaka Police Hospital Cardiovasucular department
Moriyama Toshiki
Department Of Pediatrics Fussa Hospital
Katoh Masaaki
Imai E
Department Of Nephrology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Imai Enyu
大阪大学 医学系研究科保健学専攻検査情報学研究室
Imai Enyu
大阪大学 医系研究病態情報内科学腎臓研究室
Imai Enyu
琉球大学医学部附属病院 血液浄化療法部
Imai Enyu
大阪府立病院機構大阪府立急性期総合医療センター 腎臓・高血圧内科
Imai Enyu
Department Of Nephrology Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Matsumoto Sen
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Moriyama Toshiki
大阪大学 腎臓内科
Moriyama T
Health Care Center Osaka University
Moriyama Toshiki
Health Care Center Osaka University
Funatsu Toshihiro
Division Of Cardiovascular Surgery Department Of Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicin
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
LIAO Yulin
Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
ASANO Yoshihiro
Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
ASAKURA Masanori
Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
KIM Jiyoong
Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
Cardiovascular Division of Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center
- Effect of intracoronary thrombectomy on 30-day mortality in non-diabetic patients with acute hyperglycemia after acute myocardial infarction
- Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Rehospitalization for Heart Failure Among Survivors of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Era
- Inhibition of Cardiac Remodeling by Pravastatin Is Associated with Amelioration of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress
- Serum Osteoprotegerin as a Screening Tool for Coronary Artery Calcification Score in Diabetic Pre-Dialysis Patients
- Long-Term Oral Administration of Dipyridamole Improves Both Cardiac and Physical Status in Patients with Mild to Moderate Chronic Heart Failure : A Prospective Open-Randomized Study
- Combined Autologous Cellular Cardiomyoplasty Using Skeletal Myoblasts and Bone Marrow Cells for Human Ischemic Cardiomyopathy with Left Ventricular Assist System Implantation : Report of a Case
- Difference of Clinical Characteristics between Hypertensive Patients with and without Diastolic Heart Failure : The Roles of Diastolic Dysfunction and Renal Insufficiency
- Japanese multicenter clinical evaluation of the HeartMate vented electric left ventricular assist system
- Characteristics of myocardial ^F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission computed tomography in dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemic cardiomyopathy
- OJ-522 Gene expression analyses of embryonic carcinoma cell P19.CL6 during the cardiomyocyte differentiation(Molecular Biology, Myocardium 2 (M) : OJ64)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Detection of Increased Arterial Stiffness in a Patient with Early Stage of Large Vessel Vasculitis by Measuring Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index
- Relationship between Myocardial Flow Reserve by Oxygen-15 Water Positron Emission Tomography in the Subacute Phase of Myocardial Infarction and Left Ventricular Remodeling in the Chronic Phase
- Relationships between Echocardiographic Findings, Pulse Wave Velocity, and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- Preprocedural Statin Administration can Reduce Thrombotic Reaction After Stent Implantation
- Successful Launch of Cardiac Transplantation in Japan
- Systemic candesartan reduces brain angiotensin II via downregulation of brain renin-angiotensin system
- Comparison of central blood pressure and cardio-ankle vascular index for association with cardiac function in treated hypertensive patients
- Early Detection of Hypertension in a Patient Treated with Sunitinib by Measuring Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index
- PJ-742 Seasonal Blood Pressure Variation and Its Relationship to Environmental Temperature in Healthy Elderly Japanese Studied by Home Measurements(PJ125,Preventive Medicine/Epidemiology/Education 3 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific
- PJ-440 Cardiac Diastolic Dysfunction is Associated with Cerebral White Matter Lesions in Elderly Patients with Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis(PJ074,Cerebrovascular Circulation/Stroke (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Th
- PJ-332 A New Index of "Cardiac Age" Derived from Echocardiography : Influence of Hypertension and Comparison with Pulse Wave Velocity(PJ056,Preventive Medicine/Epidemiology/Education 2 (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Th
- Positron Emission Tomographic Demonstration of Myocardial Oxidative Metabolism in a Case of Left Ventricular Restoration After Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
- Effects of Cardiac Energy Efficiency in Diastolic Heart Failure : Assessment with Positron Emission Tomography with ^C-Acetate
- PE-200 Carotid Intima-media Thickness Reflects Coronary Artery Vulnerability(Atherosclerosis, clinical-05, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Crossed cerebellar diaschisis : a positron emission tomography study with L-[methyl-^C]methionine and 2-deoxy-2-[^F]fluoro-D-glucose
- Coronary Flow Reserve by Contrast Enhanced Transesophageal Coronary Sinus Doppler Measurements Can Evaluate Diabetic Microvascular Dysfunction
- Diastolic blood pressure influences cerebrovascular reactivity measured by means of ^I-iodoamphetamine brain single photon emission computed tomography in medically treated patients with occlusive carotid or middle cerebral artery disease
- Embolic Cerebral Infarction Caused by Intraluminal Thrombus in the Carotid Siphon Successfully Treated With Combination of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs
- Critical Analysis of Hemodynamic Insufficiency by Head-up Tilt in Patients With Carotid Occlusive Disease
- Future Aspects of Gene Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke
- Hypoxia/Reoxygenation in Cultured Neonatal Rat Ventricular Myocytes Induced Necrosis and Gene Analysis of Screening from Survival Cells(Myocardial Ischemia-reperfusion, Basic 2 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Hemodynamic Influences of Losartan on the Brain in Hypertensive Patients
- Clinical significance of cerebrovascular reserve in acetazolamide challenge : Comparison with acetazolamide challenge H_2O-PET and Gas-PET
- Spectral analysis of ^Tc-HMPAO for estimating cerebral blood flow : a comparison with H_2^O PET
- Cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism in adult moyamoya disease : Comparison of angiographic collateral circulation
- PE-244 Assessment of Cardiac Sarcoidosis by FDG-PET(Nuclear Cardiology 9 (I) : PE42)(Poster Session (English))
- Fisrt Brain Dead Donor Heart Transplantation under New Legislation in Japan
- Decreased cerebral blood flow and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease : A multicenter HMPAO-SPECT study
- Evaluation of the use of a standard input function for compartment analysis of [^I]iomazenil data : factors influencing the quantitative results
- OJ-510 Tissue Implantation of Myoblast Sheets Improve Cardiac Performance with Attenuation of Cardiac Remodeling in Dilated Cardiomyopathic Hamsters(Cardiomyopathy, Basic (M) : OJ62)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Therapeutic Angiogenesis Induced by Injecting Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Ischemic Canine Hearts
- Subdural Hematoma Induced by Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage : Potentially Catastrophic Complication of Spinal Cord Protection after Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm Repair
- Percutaneous Cardiopulmonary Support With Heparin-Coated Circuits in Postcardiotomy Cardiogenic Shock, Efficacy and Comparison With Left Heart Bypass
- Tissue Inflammation Impairs Tissue-Level Perfusion and Promotes Left Ventricular Remodeling in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Decline of Plasma Brain Natriuretic Peptide during Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Female Patient with Heterozygous Fabry's Disease
- Tissue Doppler Echocardiography for Predicting Arterial Stiffness Assessed by Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index
- Cardiac Diastolic Dysfunction Is Associated with Cerebral White Matter Lesions in Elderly Patients with Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis
- Differences in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Dysfunction Between Patients with Cerebral Hemorrhage and Those with Cerebral Infarction
- Evaluation of Age-Related Changes in Aortic Valve Using the Scanning Acoustic Microscope
- PE-040 Impaired utility of long chain fatty acid and mutations in the adipose triglyceride lipase gene in lipid storage cardiomyopathy(Cardiomyopathy, basic/clinical(03)(M),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- Postoperative hyperbilirubinemia after implantation of left ventricular assist device is associated with poor postoperative liver perfusion
- Sequential maintenance of the solitary and hereditary colorectal polyps in SCID mice and ras oncogene mutations.
- Early Experience of Aortic Valve Replacement With the Freestyle Stentless Aortic Bioprosthesis in Elderly Patients
- Stabilization and Regression of Coronary Plaques Treated With Pitavastatin Proven by Angioscopy and Intravascular Ultrasound : The TOGETHAR Trial
- Minimally-Diluted Blood Cardioplegia Supplemented With Potassium and Magnesium for Combination of 'Initial, Continuous and Intermittent Bolus' Administration
- Comparative Left Ventricular Functional and Neurohumoral Effects of Chronic Treatment With Carvedilol Versus Metoprolol in Patients With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Age-Related Decrease in Inferior Vena Cava Diameter Measured with Echocardiography
- Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index for Evaluating Immunosuppressive Therapy in a Patient with Aortitis Syndrome
- Aortic Annular Velocity Assessed by Tissue Doppler Echocardiography as a Potential Parameter of Arterial Stiffness
- Elevated Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity Is Associated with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Patients after Stroke
- Discrepancy between serum levels of low molecular weight proteins in acute kidney injury model rats with bilateral ureteral obstruction and bilateral nephrectomy
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft in a Renal Transplant Recipient
- Concomitant Aortic Root Remodeling and Coronary Bypass in a Patient With Poor Left Ventricular Function
- Impact of Myoblast Sheet Implantation for Myocardial Regeneratin in Dilated Cardiomyopathic Hamster : Effective Delivery of Myoblasts and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (Cardiac Hypertrophy/Cardiomyopathy 2 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanes
- A Tissue Engineered Contractile Cardiac Sheets Regenerate the Impaired Myocardium
- A rapid and "cold" method of analyzing single strand ccnformaticn polymorphisms.
- Documentation of Transient Microvascular Dysfunction Caused by Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Rotational Atherectomy With Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography
- Association between Bone Mineral Density and Arterial Stiffness in Hypertensive Patients
- Association between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Assessed by Echocardiography in Patients with Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Histological Observations and the Process of Ultrasound Contrast Agent Enhancement of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Thrombolysis With Ultrasound Exposure
- Seasonal Variation in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Based on Serum Creatinine Levels in Hypertensive Patients
- The optimal timing of antihypertensive medication administration for morning hypertension in patients with cerebral infarction