北東 功 | 慶應義塾大学小児新生児科
論文 | ランダム
- Characterization of Microsatellites in the IGF-2 and GH Genes of Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer)
- 1SQ-02 微小管上の分子モーターの振る舞い : 1分子、数分子、多分子モーターの運動特性(1SQ 日本生物物理学会-イスラエル生物物理学会合同シンポジウム"タンパク質動力学-一分子から綱胞まで",日本生物物理学会第49回年会(2011年度))
- Automatic Segmentation of Liver Structure in CT Images Using a Neural Network (Special Section of Letters Selected from the 1994 IEICE Spring Conference)
- CLONAL LIFE SPAN IN THE PARAMECIUM TETRAURELIA MUTANT THAT HAS THE ELONGATED AUTOGAMY-IMMATURITY(Cell Biology and Morphology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Impact Toughness and Tensile Properties Improvement through Microstructure Control in Hot Forged Nb-V Microalloyed Steel