ISHIDATE Motoi | Chromosome Research Center,Olympus Optical Co.Ltd
SATOH Takatomo
Chromosome Research Center,Olympus Optical Co.Ltd
Chromosome Research Center,Olympus Optical Co.Ltd
Satoh Takatomo
Chromosome Res. Cent. Olympus Optical Co. Ltd.
Ishidate Motoi
Chromosome Research Center Olympus Optical
Chromosome Research Center (CRC), OLYMPUS Optical Co., Ltd.
Yamamoto Kiyotaka
Dept. Cell Biol. Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Gerontl.
Ishidate M
Olympus Optical Co. Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Miura Kunihiko
Chromosome Res. Cent. Olympus Optical Co. Ltd.
Yamamoto Kiyotaka
Department of Cell Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
Yamamoto Kiyotaka
Department Of Cell Biology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontology
TSUDA Hiroyuki
Experimental Pathology and Chemotherapy Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Asamoto M
Department Of Experimental Pathology And Tumor Biology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Nagoya Ci
Asamoto M
Department Of Experimental Pathology And Tumor Biology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Med
Asamoto Makoto
Asamoto Makoto
Iigo M
National Cancer Res. Inst. Tokyo
Iigo Masaaki
Cancer Prevention Basic Res. Project National Cancer Center Res. Inst.
Iigo Masaaki
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Iwahori Yoshio
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
TSUDA Hiroyuki
Tsuda Hiroyuki
Department Of Molecular Toxicology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Tsuda H
Keio Univ. Yokohama‐shi Jpn
Tsuda Hiroyuki
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Experimental Pathology and Chemotherapy Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Experimental Pathology and Chemotherapy Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Experimental Pathology and Chemotherapy Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Electron Microscopy Laboratory, National Cancer Center Hospital
Ishiguro Masaji
Loboratory Of Chemistry For Natural Products Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Toriyama‐baba H
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Tsuda Hiroyuki
1st Dept. Pathol. Nagoya City Univ. Med. Sch.
Tokuzen Reiko
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Satoh Takatomo
Chromosome Research Center Olympus Optical
Asamoto Makoto
Experimental Pathology And Chemotherapy Division National Cancer Center Research Institute
Hasegawa Fumio
Electron Microscopy Laboratory National Cancer Center Hospital
- Establishment and characterization of three new rat renal cell carcinoma cell lines from N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethylnitrosamine-induced basophilic cell tumors
- Cytogenetic analysis of heteromorphic short arm of 15p+ in a human diploid cell strain, TIG-7
- Quantitative analysis of 15p+ in a human diploid cell strain, TIG-7, by laser scanning cytometry
- Analysis of the target chromosomal region of human fibroblast TIG-7 cells by laser scanning cytometry(Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)