YUKIMOTO Seiji | Meteorological Research Institute
Meteorological Research Institute
Yukimoto Seiji
Meteorological Res. Inst.
NODA Akira
Meteorological Research Institute
Kitoh Akio
Meteorological Research Institute
Hosaka Masahiro
Meteorological Research Institute
Kusunoki Shoji
Meteorological Research Institute
Meteorological Research Institute
Noda Akira
Frontier Res. Center For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Kitoh Akio
Meteorological Res. Inst.
Itoh Hisanori
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Kyushu University
Arakawa Osamu
Meteorological Research Institute
Arakawa Osamu
Climate Res. Dep. Meteorological Res. Inst. Japan Meteorological Agency
MORI Atsushi
Department of Optical Science and Technology,Faculty of Engineering,University ofTokushima
SATO Yasuo
Meteorological Research Institute
TSUJINO Hiroyuki
Meteorological Research Institute
OOUCHI Kazuyoshi
Advanced Earth Science and Technology Organization
Advanced Earth Science and Technology Organization
Meteorological Research Institute
SHIBATA Kiyotaka
Meteorological Research Institute
Japan Meteorological Agency
KAWAI Hideaki
Japan Meteorological Agency
Japan Meteorological Agency
Tsujino Hiroyuki
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Ishizaki Hiroshi
Meteorological Research Institute
Noda Akira
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Ishizaki Hiroshi
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Yukimoto Seiji
Meteorological Research Institute Japan Meteorological Agency
Shibata Kiyotaka
Meteorological Res. Inst. Tsukuba
Oouchi Kazuyoshi
Frontier Res. Center For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Sci. And Technol.
Meteorological Research Institute
SAKAI Daisaku
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University
伊藤 久徳
Ashrit R.
Meteorological Research Institute
Ashrit R.g.
Meteorological Research Institute:(present Address)national Centre For Medium Range Weather Forecast
Ashrit R.g.
Sakai Daisaku
Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Kyushu University
Mori Atsushi
Department Of Natural Science J. F. Oberlin University
Ishizaki Hiroshi
Meteorological Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Mori Atsushi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Fukui
Shibata Kiyotaka
Meteorological Res. Inst.
Nakagawa Masayuki
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Arakawa Osamu
Meteorological Res. Inst.
- Present-Day Climate and Climate Sensitivity in the Meteorological Research Institute Coupled GCM Version 2.3 (MRI-CGCM2.3)
- 20-km-Mesh Global Climate Simulations Using JMA-GSM Model : Mean Climate States
- Response of North Pacific Ocean Circulation in a Kuroshio-Resolving Ocean Model to an Arctic Oscillation (AO)-Like Change in Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Due to Greenhouse-Gas Forcing
- Transient Response of ENSO-Monsoon Teleconnection in MRI-CGCM2.2 Climate Change Simulations
- Changes in the Interannual Surface Air Temperature Variability in the Northern Hemisphere in Response to Global Warming
- Independent Components in the Northern Hemisphere Winter : Is the Arctic Oscillation Independent?(JMSJ Special Edition on the Arctic Oscillation Studies)