Deguchi Shuji | Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Deguchi Shuji
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
Deguchi S
Graduate Univ. Advanced Studies Nagano
Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Astronomical Science Graduate University For Advanced Studies Nobeyama Radio Observato
Deguchi Shuji
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory And Graduate University For Advanced St
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Physics University Of Hong Kong
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Yasuda N
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Nakashima J
Nobeyama Radio Observatory Nagano
Fujii Takahiro
Department Of Surgical And Molecular Pathology Dokkyo University School Of Medicine
Fujii Takahiro
Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group Japanese Society For Ca
Fujii Takahiro
Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
ITA Yoshifusa
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
NAKADA Yoshikazu
Institute of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Nakada Y
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research University Of Tokyo
Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Ita Yoshifusa
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Ita Yoshifusa
Institute Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
FUJII Takahiro
VERA Observatory, NAOJ
Izumiura Hideyuki
Okayama Astronomical Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Deguchi Shuji
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Wood P
Australian National Univ. Act Aut
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Astronomical Sciences The Graduate University For Advanced Studies Nobeyama Radio Obse
Miyazaki Atsushi
Mizusawa Vlbi Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
Matsunaga Noriyuki
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Matsunaga Noriyuki
Institute Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nakada Yoshikazu
Kiso Observatory Institute Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Koike Kazutaka
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory And Graduate University For Advanced St
Imai Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Matsumoto Shigeru
Department Of Chemical Engineering Tohoku University
Matsumoto Shigeru
Department Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
IMAI Hiroshi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
National Astronomical Observatory
VERA Observatory, NAOJ
IMAI Hiroshi
VERA Project Office, NAOJ
Institute of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
South African Astronomical Observatory
Kuno N
National Astronomical Observatory Nagano
Kuno Nario
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Koike Kazutaka
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
WOOD Peter
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Obseruatories
NAKADA Yoshikazu
Kiso Observatory, Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Itoh Y
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Itoh Yoichi
Kobe Univ. Kobe
Matsumoto Takayuki
Department Of Gastroenterology Osaka City University Graduate Medical School
Miyoshi M
Ngk Insulators Ltd.
Mutoh Mutsumi
Physics Department Science University Of Tokyo
Izumiura H
Department Of Physics And Astronomy Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Shen Zhi-qiang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
ITOH Yoichi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
FUJII Takahiro
Department of Internal Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital East
KUNO Nario
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory/National Astronomical Observatory
Shen Zhi‐qiang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
Bisei Astronomical Observatory
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
IMAI Hiroshi
Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
KOIKE Kazutaka
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory, and Graduate University for Advanced
Yamamura Issei
Jaxa Sagamihara
WOOD Peter
Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University
Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo, Institute of Astronomy The University of Tokyo, St
Department of Astronomy Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Nobeyama Radio Observ
Yamamura Issei
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Omodaka Toshihiro
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Division of Radio Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Shimoikura Tomomi
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Fujii Takahiro
Department Of Chemistry Gunma University
Wood Peter
Research School Of Astronomy And Astrophysics Australian National University
Murakami Noriko
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Kameya Osamu
Department Of Astronomical Sciences Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Kameya Osamu
Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Miyaji Takeshi
Mizusawa Vlbi Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Kamohara Ryuichi
Vera Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Jiang B
Beijing Astronomical Observatory Chinese Acad. Sci. Beijing Chn
Jiang B.w.
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies Nobeyama Radio Obser
Takahashi Shigeru
National Astronomical Observatory Nagano
Fujii Takahiro
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Yamagata University
面高 俊宏
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Gunma Astronomical Observatory
HE Jin-Hua
National Astronomical Observatories/Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
UKITA Nobuharu
ALMA Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
Nakamura Takahiro
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Nihon University School of Medicine
IMAI Hiroshi
Departments of Cardio-angiology and Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Kitasato University School
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
KASUGA Takashi
Department of System and Control Engineering, Hosei University
VERA Observatory, NAOJ
VERA Project Office, NAOJ
Department of Public Health, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
MAEDA Toshihisa
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
OMODAKA Toshihiro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
Mizusawa VERA Observatory, Mitaka Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
OYAMA Tomoaki
Mizusawa VERA Observatory, Mitaka Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
UEDA Kosuke
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
TANABE Toshihiko
Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Ibaraki University
CHONG Selina
Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong
Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong
Astronomical Institute, Osaka Kyoiku University
Koning Nico
Department Of Physics And Astronomy University Of Calgary
Hiroshi Takaba
Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Kuno Nario
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Kuno Nario
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Iwata T
Kashima Space Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
Mizusawa VERA Observatory
MIYAJI Takeshi
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
TAKABA Hiroshi
Kashima Space Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory
IWATA Takahiro
Kashima Space Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory
SHIKI Shigetomo
Department of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Inoue M
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Deguchi Shuji
Nobeyama Radio Observatory Minamisaku
Miyata Takashi
Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
School of Physics, University of New South Wales
Tanabe T
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takeuchi T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya
Ramesh B
Ch. Charan Singh Univ. U.p. Ind
Maeda Toshihisa
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
OYAMA Tomoaki
Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
IMAI Hiroshi
Astronomical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Obs
Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory, VERA group, Natoinal Astro
Department of Astronomical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
MIYATA Takashi
Kiso Observatory, Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
FUJII Takahiro
Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
Department of Astronomical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Nobeyama Radio Obs
Nakamura Takahiro
Department Of Allergy And Immunology National Research Institute For Child Health And Development Na
Zhang Yong
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University
MINH Young
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Koyama Yasuhiro
Space-time Standards Group National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Tanabe Toshihiko
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Nakada Yoshikazu
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Tanabe Toshihiko
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Sadakane Kozo
Astronomical Institute Osaka Kyoiku University
Iwata Takahiro
Kashima Space Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
Iwata Takahiro
Kashima Space Research Center Communications Research Laboratory Office Of Research & Developmen
He Jin-hua
National Astronomical Observatories/yunnan Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
Yasuda Naoki
Institute For Cosmic Ray Research The University Of Tokyo
Ukita Nobuharu
Alma Project Office National Astronomical Observatory
Kwok Sun
Department Of Physics University Of Hong Kong
Takano Shuro
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Chong Selina
Department Of Physics University Of Hong Kong
Ueda Kosuke
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Yamauchi Aya
Mizusawa Vlbi Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Cho Se-hyung
Korea Astronomy Observatory
Okuda Takeshi
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Koike Kazutaka
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies Nobeyama Radio Obser
Tsuboi M
Institute Of Astrophysics And Planetary Science Ibaraki University
Deguchi Shuji
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Fukushi Hinako
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Fukushi Hinako
Institute Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Miyazaki A
Institute Of Genetic Ecology Tohoku University
Miyazaki A
Institute Of Astrophysics And Planetary Science Ibaraki University
Kasuga T
Department Of System And Control Engineering Hosei University
Kasuga T
Akita Univ. Akita‐shi Jpn
Kasuga Takashi
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Matsumoto Naoko
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies (sokendai)
Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nobeyama Radio Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory
Department of Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University
Kamohara Ryuichi
Mizusawa Vera Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Kamohara Ryuichi
Vera Project Office National Astronomical Observatory
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Takaba Hiroshi
Kashima Space Research Center Communications Research Laboratory
Jiang B.
Beijing Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
Winnberg Anders
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Kuno Nario
National Astronomical Observatory Nagano
Matsunaga Noriyuki
Univ. Tokyo Nagano
Ita Yoshifusa
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Bronfman Leonardo
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Balasubramanyam Ramesh
School Of Physics University Of New South Wales
Ramesh B
Department Of Agricultural Botany Ch. Charan Singh University
Nakashima Jun-ichi
Department Of Astronomical Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies Nobeyama Radio Obser
Shiki S
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama
Tsuboi Masato
Institute Of Astrophysics And Planetary Science Ibaraki University
Miyoshi Makoto
Vera Office National Astronomical Observatory
Miyoshi Makoto
Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics Observatory
Miyazaki Atsushi
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory
Zhang Yong
Department Of Physics University Of Hong Kong
Imai Hiroshi
Departments Of Cardio-angiology And Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Kitasato University School
Nakagawa Akiharu
Department Of Physics And Astronomy Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Miyata Takashi
Kiso Observatory Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
Teshima Takafumi
Department Of Astrophysics School Of Science Nagoya University
Tanabe Toshihiko
Laboratoire D'astrophysique De Marseille Traverse Du Siphon
Imai Hiroshi
Department Of Bone And Joint Surgery Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Imai Hiroshi
Astronomical Institute
Izumiura H
National Astronomical Observatory Tokyo
Zhang Yong
Department Of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Suzhou University
- CO J = 3-2 Emission from the "Water Fountain" Sources IRAS 16342-3814 and IRAS 18286-0959
- A Search for Water Masers in the Saturnian System
- SiO Maser Survey off the Galactic Plane : A Signature of Streaming Motion
- SiO and H_2O Maser Observations of Red Supergiants in Star Clusters Embedded in the Galactic Disk
- Japanese VLBI Network Mapping of SiO v = 3 J = 1-0 Maser Emission in W Hydrae
- Near-IR Observations of IRAS Sources with SiO Masers at the Inner Galactic Bulge
- Apparent Double SiO Maser Sources
- Near-Infrared Observations of IRAS Sources With SiO Masers in the Direction of the Near End of the Galactic Bar
- Infrared Identification of SiO Maser Sources toward the Sgr B2 Molecular Cloud
- Detection of SiO Maser Emission in V838 Mon
- SiO Maser Survey of Cold IRAS Sources
- SiO Maser Survey toward the Inner Galactic Disk : 40°≦l≦70° and |b|≦10°
- A Measurement of Proper Motions of SiO Maser Sources in the Galactic Center with the VLBA
- VLBA Observation of SiO Masers in the M Giant IRC -10414
- Japanese VLBI Network Observations of SiO Masers in the M-Type Giant IRC-10414
- Clustering of Meter-Wave Luminous Objects toward Monoceros
- Kashima 34-m Water Maser Survey of Late-Type Stars
- Wave Optics in Gravitational Lensing
- SiO Maser Survey in the Galactic Center Region with a Multi-Beam Receiver
- SiO Maser Survey of Southern IRAS Sources
- An SiO Maser Search off the Galactic Plane
- SiO Maser Survey of the Inner Bar of the Galactic Bulge
- Observations of Stellar Maser Sources with No IRAS Counterpart
- SiO Maser Sources toward Globular Clusters
- Study of the Bipolar Nebula IRAS 19312+1950 : II. Circumstellar Chemistry
- SiO Maser Survey of IRAS Sources in the Inner Galactic Disk
- SiO Maser Survey of the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Center
- Study of the Bipolar Nebula IRAS 19312+1950 : I. Mapping Observations
- Near-Infrared Observations of the IRAS/SiO Sources in the Galactic Bulge : a Large Scale Distribution
- Detection of SiO Masers from the Large-Amplitude Variables in the Galactic Nuclear Disk
- Observations of SiO Maser Sources within a Few Parsec from the Galactic Center
- Period Measurement of AGB Stars in the Outer Galactic Disk
- HOCO^+ toward the Galactic Center
- Time Variation of SiO Masers in VX Sagittarii over an Optically Quiescent Phase
- Detections of SiO and H_2O Masers in the Bipolar Nebula IRAS 19312+1950
- SiO Masers in Stars in the Inner and Outer Galactic Disk
- Evidence for a Dense, Cold Screen towards IRAS 18507+0121
- SiO Maser Survey of the Galactic Bulge IRAS Sources IV. Observational Properties of SiO Masers
- Kinematics of Red Variables in the Solar Neighborhood I. Basic Data Obtained by an SiO Maser Survey
- SiO Maser Spectra of V407 Cygni after the 2010 March Nova Outburst
- Maser Emission toward the Infrared Dark Cloud G359.94+0.17 Seen in Silhouette against the Galactic Center
- Pilot VLBI Survey of SiO υ=3 J=1→0 Maser Emission around Evolved Stars