MURATA KOUSAKU | Department of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Division of Food and Biological Science, Gr
- 同名の論文著者
- Department of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Division of Food and Biological Science, Grの論文著者
Department of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Division of Food and Biological Science, Gr
Murata Kousaku
Department Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Division Of Food And Biological Science Grad
松下 一信
山口大 農
Murata K
Dep. Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Div. Of Food And Biological Sci. Graduate School O
Murata Kousaku
Div. Of Food Sci. And Biotech. Grad. Sch. Of Agriculture Kyoto Univ.
Department of Basic and Applied Molecular Biotechnology, Division of Food and Biological Science, Gr
Momma Keiko
Laboratory Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univers
Kawai Shigeyuki
Dep. Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Div. Of Food And Biological Sci. Graduate School O
Kawai Shigeyuki
Laboratory Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto Univers
Kawai Shigeyuki
Department Of Basic And Applied Molecular Biotechnology Division Of Food And Biological Science Grad
- Bacterial Alginate Lyase : Enzymology, Genetics and Application
- Crystallographic Studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Polyphosphate/ATP-NAD Kinase Complexed with NAD(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Structure and Function of NAD Kinase and NADP Phosphatase: Key Enzymes That Regulate the Intracellular Balance of NAD(H) and NADP(H)
- Hypothesis : Structures, Evolution, and Ancestor of Glucose Kinases in the Hexokinase Family
- Primary Structure of Inorganic Polyphosphate/ATP-NAD Kinase from Micrococcus flavus, and Occurrence of Substrate Inorganic Polyphosphate for the Enzyme(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Extremely Simple, Rapid, and Highly Efficient Transformation Method for the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using Glutathione and Early Log Phase Cells
- Establishment of a Mass-Production System for NADP Using Bacterial Inorganic Polyphosphate/ATP-NAD Kinase
- Super-channel in Bacteria : Function and Structure of a Macromolecule Import System Mediated by a Pit-dependent ABC Transporter
- Yeast Sporulation Induced by Lysine during Growth in Nutrition-Rich Conditions
- A Simple Method for Determination of Substrate Specificity of Alginate Lyases