Kim S.h. | Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech.
Kim S.h.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech.
Lee T.D.
Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering
Shin K.H.
Div. of Metals, Korea Inst of Sci. & Tech
Lee T.d.
Dept. Of Material Sci. & Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech.
Kim S
Photonics Research Center Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Kim S.j.
Dept.of Obstetrics And Gynecology Pochon Cha University Hospital
Kim Sun
Photonics Research Center Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Cha S.h.
Dept.of Obstetrics And Gynecology Pochon Cha University Hospital
Lee C.
Dept.of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pochon CHA University Hospital
Kim I.H.
Dept.of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pochon CHA University Hospital
Lee S.Y.
Dept.of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pochon CHA University Hospital
An H.J.
Dept.of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pochon CHA University Hospital
Kim S.j.
Dept. Of Obstetrics & Gynecology College Of Medicine Pocheon Cha University
An H.j.
Dept.of Obstetrics And Gynecology Pochon Cha University Hospital
Lee K.j.
Dept. Of Material Sci. & Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech.
Lee K.j.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech.
Kim I.h.
Dept.of Obstetrics And Gynecology Pochon Cha University Hospital
Lee S.y.
Dept.of Obstetrics And Gynecology Pochon Cha University Hospital
Lee T
Shin K
Thin Film Technology Research Center Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Lee S.y.
Dept. Of Periodont. College Of Dent. Seoul Nati. Univ.
Lee C.
Dept. Of Physics & Institute For Nano Science & Technology Chungbuk National University
Lee C.
Dept. Of Bio-engineering Seokyeong University
Kim S.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech. Seoul
Lee K.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech. Seoul
Lee T.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng. Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. & Tech. Seoul
Shin K.
Div. Of Metals Korea Inst. Of Sci. & Tech. Seoul 136-791 Korea
Shin K.
Dept. Of Multimedia Engineering Kyungsung University
Kim S.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng., Korea Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech.
Lee T.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng., Korea Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech.
Shin K.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng., Korea Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech.
Lee K.
Dept. Advanced Mater. Eng., Korea Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech.
- IS-23 Association of apoptosis with steroid hormone receptor expression in endometrial carcinomas
- IS-22 Inactivation of PTEN in endometrial carcinoma
- Effects of substrate bias voltage on properties of CoCrTa/Cr media
- Effects of substrate bias voltage on properties of CoCrTa/Cr media
- Effect of a flash Cr interlayer on properties of CoCrTa/Cr media