Okuda Kunihiko | First Dept. Of Intern. Med. Osaka Univ. Med. School
Okuda Kunihiko
First Dept. Of Intern. Med. Osaka Univ. Med. School
1st Dept. of Intern. Med. Osaka Univ. Med. School
Yoshikawa Iwao
The First Department Of Internal Medicine. Faculty Of Medicine. Osaka University
Karita Masatoki
1st Dept. Of Intern. Med. Osaka Univ. Med. School
Yoshikawa Iwao
1st Dept. Of Intern. Med. Osaka Univ. Med. School
Tada Toshio
The First Department Of Internal Medicine. Faculty Of Medicine. Osaka University:(present)the Depart
Tada Toshio
The First Department Of Internal Medicine. Faculty Of Medicine. Osaka University:(present)the Depart
1st Div., Dept. of Intern. Med., Osaka Univ.
The First Department of Internal Medicine. Faculty of Medicine. Osaka University
Abe Hiroshi
1st Dept of Medicine, Osaka Univ Med Sch
- 99. Biometrical Analysis in Clinical Medicine (Report 7) Clinical Trial of Combined Effect of Furterene Formate and Chlorbenzene Sulfonamide
- 53. Study on Fatty Acid Compositions of Phospholipid, Cholesterol Ester and Triglyceride of Human Plasma Using AgNO_3-TLC Technique
- The Effects of Fatty Acids on Blood Clotting with Relation to their Albumin Binding State
- The Mechanism of Free Fatty Acid Removal in Rat Liver : Part II
- 175) Behavior of Endogenous Fatty Acids in the Process of Intestinal Fatty Acid Absorption
- 174) Metabolic Behavior of Dl almitic and Linoleic Acids in the Isolated Perfused Liver of the Rat
- Influence of Dietary Linoleic Acid upon Cholesterol Metabolism