Kimura M | Tokai Univ. Kanagawa
Tokai Univ. Kanagawa | 論文
- Autoantibody Activity of IgG Rheumatoid Factor Increases with Decreasing Levels of Galactosylation and Sialylation^1
- Kinetic Analysis of Interaction of Different Types of Rheumatoid Factors with Immobilized IgG Using Surface Plasmon Resonance^1
- Theory of Ferromagnetic State of HCP Solid ^3He for Pair, Triple and Quadruple Spin Exchange Interaction. I Spin Wave Theory : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Quantum Solids and Nuclear Magnetism
- Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Third Type of N-Glycan α2, 8-Sialy ltransferase from Mouse Lung^1
- Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of a MUC1 Glycopeptide Carrying Non-Natural Sialyl TF-β O-Glycan