Hino Yasuo | Department Of Urban Engineering
Hino Yasuo
Department Of Urban Engineering
Hino Yasuo
Department Of Civil Engineering Osaka City University
Hino Yasuo"
Department of Civil Engineering, Osaka City University"
Uchida Takashi
Department of Urban Engineering, Osaka City University
Uchida Takashi
Department Of Electronic Engineering National Defense Academy
Nishimura Takashi
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo University
Yoshida Nagahiro
Department of Urban Engineering, Osaka City University
Hino Y
Osaka City Univ.
Hino Y
Department Of Urban Engineering
"Ozaki Ryuju
"Master Course of Department of Civil Engineering, Osaka City University
- Basic study on evaluation of safety at un-signalized crossing based on behavior of pedestrians and drivers
- A basic study on evaluation of social effects based on introduction of mini-bus circular system
- Analysis of travel mode choice models considering the subjective indicators of alternatives
- A study on trend to Small-scale Projects of Land Readjustment
- A quantitative evaluation method of pedestrians' thermal condition on road space
- An analysis of a relationship between walking conditions and access trip behavior