林 由紀子 | 横浜逓信病院 薬剤部
論文 | ランダム
- Effects of the dopamine-related drug bromocriptine on event-related potentials and its relation to the law of initial value
- Use of an Optimized Transient Occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery Protocol for the Mouse Stroke Model
- Antibacterial Activity of Carbon-Coated Zinc Oxide Particles
- 動物細胞を用いた糖鎖リモデリング医薬品の開発 (特集 革新的医薬品開発のための糖鎖科学)
- Palladium-catalyzed Nucleophilic Substitution of Diarylmethyl Carbonates with Malonate Carbanions