鈴木 達夫 | 早稲田大学理工学部
- Universal Yang-Mills Action on Four Dimensional Manifolds(Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- 非可換行列式とその応用(力学系と微分幾何学)
- Explicit form of the evolution operator for the Tavis-Cummings model and quantum diagonalization method (Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- A Universal Disentangling Formula for Coherent States of Perelomov's Type (Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- A method for constructing models which have an infinite number of conserved currents (Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- Nonlinear Grassmann Sigma Model in Any Dimension and An Infinite Number of Conserved Currents (1)