Kidera Akinori | Intntl. Grad. Schl. Arts & Sci., Yokohama C. Univ.
Kidera Akinori
Intntl. Grad. Schl. Arts & Sci., Yokohama C. Univ.
Ikeguchi Mitsunori
Intntl. Grad. Schl. Arts & Sci. Yokohama C. Univ.
Ota Motonori
GSIC, Tokyo Tech.
Ota Motonori
Grad. Sch. Of Info. Sci. Nagoya Univ.
Ota Motonori
Graduate School Of Information Science. Nagoya Univ
Ota Motonori
Gsic Tokyo Tech.
Kidera Akinori
Intl. G. S. Of Arts And Sci. Yokohama City Univ.:rpcs Riken
Kidera Akinori
Intntl. Grad. Schl. Arts & Sci. Yokohama C. Univ.
Ota Motonori
Grad. Schl. Of Info. Sci. Nagoya Univ.
Ota Motonori
GSIC, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
- 1P097 Folding simulation of a designed zink-finger like protein(3. Protein folding and misfolding (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- S3c2-6 Protein structural changes upon ligand binding(S3-c2: "Structural Bioinformatics: Molecular structures as the basis of understanding protein network systems",Symposia,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)