津田 大 | Osaka Prefecture University
津田 大
Osaka Prefecture University
北原 邦紀
Shimane University
久保 直紀
Department of Electronic and Control Systems Engineering, Shimane University
朝比奈 秀一
Shimane Institute for Industrial Technology
金山 信幸
Shimane Institute for Industrial Technology
森谷 明弘
Department of Electronic and Control Systems Engineering, Shimane University
久保 直紀
Shimane University
森谷 明弘
Shimane University
川瀬 剛
Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co. Ltd.
津田 大
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture Univ
北原 邦紀
Department of Electronic and Control Systems Engineering, Shimane University