Manoj S. | Biopharmaceutical Research Suven Life Sciences Ltd.
Manoj S.
Biopharmaceutical Research Suven Life Sciences Ltd.
Santosh M
Kochi Univ. Kochi Jpn
Santosh M.
Centre For Earth Science Studies
Santosh M.
Biopharmaceutical Research Suven Life Sciences Ltd.
Satish-kumar M.
Geological Survey Of India
Santosh M
Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Tsunogae Toshiaki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Tsunogae T
Univ. Tsukuba Ibraki Jpn
Yoshida M
Osaka City Univ. Osaka Jpn
Yoshida. Masaru
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
- "Geological survey in southern to eastern peninsular India, 1996"
- Quantitation of tadalafil in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization
- Selective and rapid liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay of dutasteride in human plasma
- Liquid chromatography-negative ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of tacrolimus in human plasma and its bioanalytical applications
- "Petrogenesis of a aluminous A-type granite from Munnar, southwestern India"
- "Exsolution features in pyroxene phenocrysts from an anorthosite massif in northern Kerala, south India"
- "Field studies in the Sakoli and Sausar Belts of the Central Indian Tectonic Zode, 1999-2000"
- Multistage orthopyroxene formation in ultrahigh-temperature granulites of Ganguvarpatti, southern India : implications for complex metamorphic evolution during Gondwana assembly
- Spinel + Quartz association from the Kerala khondalites, southern India : evidence for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism
- Ultrahigh temperature metamorphism and deep crustal processes : Introduction