佐藤 訓子 | Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
佐藤 訓子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
友田 正司
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
鈴木 陽子
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
杉山 晶子
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
嶋田 和代
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
中塚 里美
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
松村 剛
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
大森 千英子
Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy
- Plant Mucilages. XXIII. Partial Hydrolysis of Abelmoschus-mucilage M and the Structural Features of Its Polysaccharide Moiety
- Plant Mucilages. XV. The Main Structural Features of the Backbone Chain of Paniculatan
- 植物粘質物(第 17 報) : Paniculatan の還元およびSmith 分解とメチル化分析
- ショ糖からコウジカビの酵素作用による数種オリゴ糖の生成と成績体の構造研究
- Plant Mucilages. XXIV. The Structural Features of Althaea-mucilage O, a Representative Mucous Polysaccharide from the Roots of Althaea officinalis
- Plant Mucilages. XXII. Isolation and Characterization of a Mucous Polysaccharide, "Lilium-J-glucomannan, "from the Bulbs of Lilium japonicum
- Althaea-mucilage O の主要構造
- 数種の Lilium 属植物鱗茎の部分アセチル化グルコマンナン
- Plant Mucilages. XX. : The Location of O-Acetyl Groups in Paniculatan and the Influence of Deacetylation on Its Physical Properties
- Plant Mucilages. XIX. Isolation and Characterization of a Mucous Polysaccharide, "Lilium-Lo-glucomannan, "from the Bulbs of Lilium longiflorum
- 植物粘質物(第 24 報) : ササユリの鱗茎のグルコマンナン
- Plant Mucilages. XVII. Partial hydrolysis and a Possible Structure of Paniculatan
- 植物粘質物(第 21 報) : Paniculatan の構造とアセチル基の結合位置
- 植物粘質物(第 20 報) : テッポウユリの鱗茎のグルコマンナン
- Plant Mucilages. XI. Isolation and Characterization of a Mucous Polysaccharide, "Paniculatan, " from the Barks of Hydrangea paniculata
- Structural Studies on the Mucous Polysaccharide from the Barks of Hydrangea Paniculata
- 植物粘質物(第 15 報) : Paniculatan の部分加水分解成績体
- 植物粘質物(第 11 報) : ノリウツギの樹皮の粘質多糖
- クサスギカズラ根の成分(第 2 報) : 遊離アミノ酸について
- Constituents of the Radix of Asparagus cochinchinensis-1-Isolation and Characterization of Oligosaccharides(抄録)
- Plant Mucilages-9-The Location of the O-acetyl Groups and the Nature of the Branches in Bletilla-glucomannan(抄録)
- Isolation and Characterization of Fructans from Polygonatum odoratum var.japonicum Rhizomes
- アマドコロ根茎から単離したフルクタンの性質および構造
- Plant Mucilages. IX. The Location of the O-Acetyl Groups and the Nature of the Branches in Bletilla-glucomannan
- 数種のユリ科植物から得たネオケストース系列少糖類
- Plant Mucilages. VII. Six Oligosaccharides obtained from Odoratan and Falcatan by Partial Acid Hydrolysis
- 植物粘質物(第 7 報) : Odoratan および Falcatan の部分酸水解成績体
- Constituents of the Radix of Asparagus cochinchinensis. I. Isolation and Characterization of Oligosaccharides