CHIKADA Yoshihiro | National Astronomical Observatory
CHIKADA Yoshihiro
National Astronomical Observatory
石黒 正人
Tamura Takayuki
Inst. Of Space And Astronautical Sci. Kanagawa
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
Sasaki Toshiyuki
Subaru Telescope National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Sasaki Toshiyuki
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan National Institutes Of Natural Sciences
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
USUDA Tomonori
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
常深 博
Murayama Takashi
Astronomical Institute Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
- The VLBI Space Observatory Programme and the Radio-Astronomical Satellite HALCA
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Infrared Imaging of the Gravitational Lens PG 1115+080 with the Subaru Telescope
- Subaru First-Loght Deep Photometry of Galaxies in A 851 Field
- The First Light of the Subaru Telescope:A New Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula
- First Astronomical Fringe of a Test Correlator for the ALMA : Simultaneous Achievement of Wideband and High Resolution
- Superwind-Driven Intense H_2 Emission in NGC 6240
- Color-Magnitude Sequence in the Clusters at z ~ 1.2 near the Radio Galaxy 3C 324
- Subaru Observations for the K-Band Luminosity Distribution of Galaxies in Clusters near to 3C 324 at Z ~ 1.2
- High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imagine of the Powerful Radio Galaxy 3C 324 at z = 1.21 with the Subaru Telescope