清水 岑夫 | 富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所
清水 岑夫
清水 岑夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
清水 岑夫
清水 岑夫
清水 岑夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science
森田 直賢
Department Of Medicinal Resources Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical & Pharmaceut
清水 岑夫
有澤 宗久
清水 岑夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
森田 直賢
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- Studies on Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Natural Products. IV. Constituents and Aldose Reductase Inhibitory Effect of Chrysanthemum morifolium, Bixa orellana and Ipomoea batatas
- Studies on Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Natural Products. II. : Active Components of a Paraguayan Crude Drug "Para-parai mi, " Phyllanthus niruri
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Studies on Medicinal Plants in Paraguay. I. : Isolation and Identification of Lens Aldose Reductase Inhibitor from "Tapecue," Acanthospermum australe O.K.(Pharmacological)
- Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applid Crude Drugs. IV. : Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Paraguayan Crude Drug "Alhucema" (Lavandula latifolia VILL.)
- Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applied Crude Drugs. III. : Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Paraguayan Crude Drug "Tamanda cuna" (Catasetum barbatum LINDLE)
- 日本茶の血糖降下作用成分に関する研究^
- Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applied Crude Drugs. II. : Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Cryptomeria japonica D. DON
- 72(PB2-2) パラグァイ産生薬Typycha kuratu (Scoparia dulcis L.)に含まれる新規ジテルペノイドの構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 茵〓蒿湯に含まれるβ-Glucuronidase阻害物質
- 5,7-ジヒドロキシ-4', 8-ジメトキシフラボンの合成 : CirsitakaogeninとCirsitakaosideの構造の訂正