Kobuke Toshiya | 広島大学 医歯薬学総合研究科分子病態制御内科学
広島大学 医歯薬学総合研究科分子病態制御内科学 | 論文
- A Nuclear Receptor-mediated Choleretic Action of Fibrates is Associated with Enhanced Canalicular Membrane Fluidity and Transporter Activity Mediating Bile Acid-independent Bile Secretion
- Partial characterization of cytoprotective mechanisms of lecithin against bile salt-induced bile duct damage
- Effect of organic anions on acyl chain composition of secreted biliary lecithin in rats: relation to hepatocellular vesicle pathway^1
- Tauroursodeoxycholate and taurochenodeoxycholate stabilize bile lipid metastability through different mechanisms: relation to phospholipid fatty acid composition