Nishiguchi Yukio | 大阪市立大学 医学研究科臓器器官病態外科学
大阪市立大学 医学研究科臓器器官病態外科学 | 論文
- Usefulness of transient elastography for assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B : Regression of liver stiffness during entecavir therapy
- Noninvasive laboratory tests proposed for predicting cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C are also useful in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Optimal duration of additional therapy after biochemical and virological responses to lamivudine in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B : a randomized trial
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurring 10 years after clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen and 20 years after resection of hepatitis B virus-related HCC
- Does a late evening meal reduce the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among patients with chronic hepatitis C?