Yoshimura Michihiro | Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kumamoto University
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Kumamoto University | 論文
- PE-533 The Combination of Selective Aldosterone Blocker and CCB Exerts Additive Protective Effects against Salt-sensitive Hypertension-induced Cardiovascular Injury(PE089,Cardiomyopathy/Hypertrophy (Basic) (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scie
- PE-540 ASK2 Deficient Mice Have Elevated Blood Pressure with Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling Mediated by Angiotensin II(PE091,Molecular Biology (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-135 ASK1 and ASK2 are Differentially Involved in Salt Induced Blood Presssure Elevation and Cardiac Injury(OJ23,Hypertension, Basic (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-918 Aldosterone-mediated Cardiovascular Remodeling and Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Mice,Through Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 (ASK1)(Neurohumoral factors(02)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- PJ-519 The Combination of PPAR-gamma Agonist and ARB Exerts Additive Protective Effects against Hypertensive Cardiovascular Injury by More Suppressing ROS(Hypertension, basic(04)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japane