中山 充 | Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Meiji Pharmaceutical University
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Meiji Pharmaceutical University | 論文
- ^Cフェニルアラニン呼気テストによる胆道閉鎖症術後の児の肝繊維症の評価
- Identification of Tetrapyrrole Compounds Excreted by Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Sources of the Methyl Hydrogens of Bacteriochlorophyll a Biosynthesized by R. sphaeroides, Based on ^C-NMR Spectral Analysis of Coproporphyrin III Tetramethyl Ester
- Evaluation of intraoral CCD camera for dental examination in forensic inspection
- Biosynthesis of Corrinoids and Porphyrinoids. XI. Source of Oxaloacetic Acid for Uroporphyrinogen III Biosynthesis in Arthrobacter hyalinus
- DNA analysis of neonatal human remains wrapped and kept in a vinyl bag for 15 years