竹原 哲彦 | 鹿児島県合同輸血療法委員会|鹿児島県赤十字血液センター
論文 | ランダム
- Regional Differences in Blood Volume and Blood Transit Time in Resting Skeletal Muscle
- 右心房腫瘤にて発症,化学療法後洞不全症候群を呈した悪性リンパ腫
- Imaging of adenosine A_1 receptors in the human brain by positron emission tomography with [^C]MPDX
- Potential of an adenosine A_ receptor antagonist [^C]TMSX for myocardial imaging by positron emission tomography : a first human study
- Adenosine A_ receptor imaging with [^C]KF18446 PET in the rat brain after quinolinic acid lesion : Comparison with the dopamine receptor imaging