芦塚 憲一郎 | 西日本高速道路(株) 関西支社 建設事業部
論文 | ランダム
- Morphological Characterization of a Reconstructed, Cultured Human Epidermal Model (LabCyte EPI-MODEL) As an Alternative to in Vivo Models
- Assessment of human epidermal model LabCyte EPI-MODEL for in vitro skin irritation testing according to European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)-validated protocol
- Functional evaluation of human 3-dimensional keratinocyte and melanocyte co-cultured epidermal model (LabCyte MELANO-MODEL)
- Assessment of the Human Epidermal Model LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 for the in vitro Skin Irritation Testing according to the validated protocol by ECVAM
- Investigation of 3D corneal model culture method using normal human corneal epithelial cells