金山 康秀 | 豊田厚生病院整形外科|豊田厚生病院リウマチ科
論文 | ランダム
- Galactomannan and computed tomography-based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for invasive fungal infection : a prospective feasibility study
- 1a-ZB-9 中性子スピンエコー法における物質の前方散乱
- Extracellular laccase produced by an edible basidiomycetous mushroom, Grifola frondosa: purification and characterization
- Contamination of Chitin Oligosaccharides in a Laminarioligosaccharide Preparation Can Cause a Confused Interpretation of Its Elicitor Activity
- Synergistic Interaction between Helix-Forming Polysaccharide and Konjac Glucomannan