五島 政一 | 国立教育政策研究所 教育課程研究センター 基礎研究部
論文 | ランダム
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls Activate Caspase-3-Like Death Protease in Vitro but Not in Vivo
- Caspase-Dependent and Serine Protease-Dependent DNA Fragmentation of Myocytes in the Ischemia-Reperfused Rabbit Heart : These Inhibitors Do Not Reduce Infarct Size
- Cytoprotective influence of ZVAD-fmk and glycine on gel-entrapped rat hepatocytes in a bioartificial liver
- E4 orf4, a novel adenovirus death factor that induce p53-independent apoptosis by a pathway that is not inhibited by zVAD-fmk
- E4orf4, a novel adenovirus death factor that induces p53-independent apoptosis by a pathway that is not inhibited by zVAD-fmk