Kusuda Satoshi | Kyorin University
Kyorin University | 論文
- O-16 Analysis of gene expression profiles of forestomach tumors in rasH2 mice initiated with N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea(ENDOCRINE SYSTEM/DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION/CARCINOGENICITY/TOXICOGENOMICS)(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st
- PJ-756 Raloxifene Analog LY117018 Inhibits Oxidative Stress or TNF alpha Induced Apoptosis by Activating ERK Signaling in Vascular Endothelial Cells(Endothelium-6 (H) PJ130,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Ja
- 日本膵臓学会自己免疫性膵炎診断基準2002年
- 生ウイルスワクチンの動物モデル,ヒトの感染病理
- 感染症の将来展望 : 臨床とウイルス25周年記念