佐藤 裕子 | 研修管理委員長・プログラム責任者
論文 | ランダム
- Influence of Nonlinear Gain Saturation on the Time-Bandwidth Product of Optical Pulse from a Gain-Switched Semiconductor Laser
- Extraction of Quasi-Straightforward-Propagating Photons Through a Scattering Medium by Up-Conversion Method as a Coherent Light Detection Technique
- Optical Computed Tomography Imaging of Absorbers in a Highly Scattering Medium by Detection of Photons Preserving Initial Polarization
- Improvement of Lambert-Beer Law Dynamic Range by the Use of Temporal Gates on Transmitted Light Pulse Through a Scattering Medium
- 有痛性三角骨障害に対するテーピングはサッカーインステップキックのボールスピードを低下させるか