Niwa Takashi | Department of Pharmacy, Gifu University Hospital, Japan
論文 | ランダム
- ドルフィンプロジェクト--広域電子カルテシステムによる地域連携医療の実現 (特集 新産業創出と地域活性化)
- ホ-ムペ-ジへの招待-10-自由広場,宮崎医科大学WWWサ-バ
- Photoreversible absorption changes of guanidine-HCl-treated phycocyanin and allophycocyanin isolated from the blue-green alga Tolypothrix tenuis
- In vivo transformation of phycobiliproteins during photobleaching of Tolypothrix tenuis to forms active in photoreversible absorption changes
- Detection of Nitrogenase in Individual Cells of a Natural Population of Trichodesmium Using Immunocytochemical Methods for Fluorescent Cells