古森 公浩 | 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 血管外科 教授
論文 | ランダム
- A new structural insight into differential interaction of cyanobacterial and plant ferredoxins with nitrite reductase as revealed by NMR and X-ray crystallographic studies
- Anisotropic Spin-Fluctuations in SmCoPO Revealed by 31P NMR Measurement
- Different High-Temperature Spin Dynamics of Ising Pyrochlore DySnO and Heisenberg Pyrochlore GdSnO
- Antiferromagnetic Order and Superconductivity in Sr(Mg0.5-xTi0.5+x)OFeAs with Electron Doping : 75As-NMR Study
- NMR-based Metabolomic Analysis of Human Bladder Cancer