桒田 但馬 | 岩手県立大学総合政策学部
岩手県立大学総合政策学部 | 論文
- An approach to the construction of inequivalent models of central limit theorem for Gaussianization of a symmetric probability measure (非加法性の数理と情報--凸解析との接点--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On 'Monotonic' Binomial Distribution (Functional Analysis as Information Science and Related Topics)
- 非可換確率論における独立性概念
- Classification of Universal Notions of Stochastic Independence (Trends in Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability)
- Weighted Monotone Fock Space and A Brownian Motion with the Distribution of Bozejko-Leinert-Speicher (Common Ground between Functional Analysis and Mathematical Theory of Information)