Okazaki Yuichi | AMRI, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
論文 | ランダム
- Bone mass increase specific to the female in a line of transgenic mice overexpressing human osteoblast stimulating factor-1
- Synthesis of a Closely Packed Carbon Nanotube Forest by a Multi-Step Growth Method Using Plasma-Based Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 中樞性並ニあどれなりん過血糖及ビ血中乳酸増加ニ關スル研究(學位論文審査要旨)
- 家兎肝臟灌流時ニ於ケル含水炭素新陳代謝ニ就テ
- High-Quality Carbon Nanotube Growth at Low Temperature by Pulse-Excited Remote Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition