高安 秀樹 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories
Sony Computer Science Laboratories | 論文
- Hubs and Authorities on Japanese Inter-Firm Network : Characterization of Nodes in Very Large Directed Networks(Complex Networks,Econophysics-Physical Approach to Social and Economic Phenomena-)
- A New Simple Method for Evaluating Cardiac Vagal Activity : Standard Deviation of Ratios for Consecutive RR Intervals
- Estimation of Parameters from Discrete Random Nonstationary Time Series(New Perspectives,Econophysics-Physical Approach to Social and Economic Phenomena-)
- TCP Optimization for Eliminating Duplicate Segments in Congested Networks(Network Protocols)
- Continuum Limit and Renormalization of Market Price Dynamics Based on PUCK Model(Financial and Consumer Markets,Econophysics-Physical Approach to Social and Economic Phenomena-)