木口 英子 | 東邦大学医学部第二病理学教室|済生会神奈川県病院病理部
論文 | ランダム
- Microchip Electrophoresis for Specific Gene Detection of the Pathogenic Bacteria V. cholerae by Circle-to-Circle Amplification
- Poly(methylmethacrylate) Microchip Electrophoresis of Proteins Using Linear-poly(acrylamide) Solutions as Separation Matrix
- Nuclease Tolerant FRET Probe Based on DNA-Quantum Dot Conjugation
- Microchip Electrophoresis for Detection of Circle-to-Circle Amplification Products towards Sensitive and Rapid DNA Analysis
- 2p GG-2 Sr_2Ta_2O_7およびSr_2Nb_2O_7の構造相転移の電顕観察