嶋田 淳 | 明海大学歯学部病態診断治療学講座口腔顎顔面外科学分野Ⅰ
論文 | ランダム
- Ultrafine Structure of Glycogen Macromolecules in Mammalian Tissues
- Intracellullar Synthesis of Macromolecular Polyglucose Particles in Mammalian Tissue Cells and its Biological Significance
- All-solid-state Electrochromic Window of Electrodeposited WO_3 and Prussian Blue with Poly(ethylene oxide) Gel Electrolyte
- Procedure for Preparation of Vesicles with No Leakage from Water-in-oil Emulsion
- All-Solid-State Electrochromic Display Device of Prussian Blue and W0_3 Particulate Film