南川 紀 | 名城病院心臓例孔|名古屋大学第1外科
論文 | ランダム
- 10 10. Autonomic Nervous System Response on Electric Stimulation and High Frequency Coagulation of the Thalamus, Pallidum and the Fornix (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- S-I-4 S-I-4. Stereotaxic Surgery for Intractable Pain (Symposium I: Pain)
- Mitral Valve Plasty for Mitral Regurgitation after Blunt Chest Trauma
- 胃酸分泌酵素の構造と遺伝子(第221回北里医学会招待学術講演会要旨)
- 日本薬学会奨励賞受賞 小林弘氏の業績