別府 万寿博 | 防衛大学校システム工学群建設環境工学科 教授・博士(工学)
論文 | ランダム
- Asian Mediterranean : China at the Core of Two Periods of Globalisation (16^-20^ century)(Comparative Approaches in Social Sciences and Humanities : A French-Japanese Initiative via Joint International Labora
- Innovation and Clusters : The Japanese Government Policy Framework(Comparative Approaches in Social Sciences and Humanities : A French-Japanese Initiative via Joint International Laboratory between CNRS and Universit
- Project: New and old forms of corporate clusters in Asia (Featured theme: Comparative approaches in social sciences and humanities: a French-Japanese initiative via joint international laboratory between CNRS and University of Toky
- Project: International trading hubs in East and Southeast Asia (Featured theme: Comparative approaches in social sciences and humanities: a French-Japanese initiative via joint international laboratory between CNRS and University o
- Project: Labor institutions in question: empirical comparative studies of employment systems in France and Japan (Featured theme: Comparative approaches in social sciences and humanities: a French-Japanese initiative via joint inte