Harrington Michael | University of Queensland
University of Queensland | 論文
- O-97 ラット肝移植モデルの拒絶反応におけるActivator Protein-1 (AP-1)の役割
- 無肝期および移植肝再加温時間からみたラット肝移植モデル
- BP-O1 Rapid response bioprocessing of influenza vaccines(Section II Biopharmaceuticals Production)
- BE-P14 Terahertz and conventional analysis of virus-like particle vaccines(Section V Biomolecular Engineering and Bioseparation)
- F-13 The effects of low-intensity strength training on muscle hypertrophy and markers of inflammation in very old women(Free communication (Slide),8^ INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF EXERCISE AND IMMUNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM,ISEI2007 INFLAMMATION IN EXERCISE FRIEND O