湯浅 典博 | 名古屋液済会病院外科|名古屋液済会病院消化器科|名古屋液済会病院病理
論文 | ランダム
- 化学イオン化質量分析法を用いた二次エアロゾル生成過程の研究
- Mining of EST-SSR markers in clam Meretrix meretrix larvae from 454 shotgun transcriptome
- Effects of Rice Properties on Bread Made from Cooked Rice and Wheat Flour Blend
- Effects of Levonorgestrel on Reproductive Hormone Levels and Their Receptor Expression in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus)
- Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Converting Enzyme Inactivation Ameliorates High-Fat Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance and Altered Energy Homeostasis