影山 泰平 | 北里大学大学院医療系研究科細胞・組織病理学|北里大学医療衛生学部遺伝子検査学
論文 | ランダム
- Immobilization of Gold Nanorods on the Glass Substrate by the Electrostatic Interactions for Localized Plasmon Sensing
- Novel Method for Spatioselective Electroless Plating Catalyzed by Laser-Deposited Gold Nanoparticles
- An Improved Method for the Preparation of Chondroitin by Solvolytic Desulfation of Chondroitin Sulfates
- Studies of the Influence of N-Substitution in Heparin on Its Anticoagulant Activity
- B-27-16 : 10 歯周病と糖尿病 : 3)歯肉線維芽細胞が産生するグルタミン酸脱炭酸酵素と歯周病の関わり