SAITO Kentaro | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Sensitivity Analysis of Fission Product Concentrations for Light Water Reactor Burned Fuel
- Sensitivity Analysis of Fission Product Concentrations for Light Water Reactor Burned Fuel
- Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity — Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and the Advanced Test Reactor at INL —
- Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides for Peace and Sustainable Prosperity : Irradiation Tests of Np and Np-U Samples in the Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO (JAEA) and the Advanced Test Reactor at INL
- Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis for Inversely Stratified Molten Corium in Lower Vessel