辻 耕治 | 千葉大学教育学部|JICAインド国マディヤ・プラデシュ州大豆増産プロジェクト
論文 | ランダム
- Evidence of a Novel Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidase in Mammalian GH_3 Cells: New Insights into the Processing of Peptide Hormone Precursors
- Immunocytochemical Analysis of Peptide Hormone Processing: Importance of the Positively Charged N-terminal Domain of Signal Peptide in Correct ER Targeting in Yeast Cells
- Topogenic Effect of Positively Charged N-terminal Amino Acid in ER Translocation of Yeast α-Factor Precursor
- 「近世の交通と地方文化」近藤恒次
- 日本の近世と三河の近世