KUBOTA Yoshihisa | Div. Radiotoxicol. , Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiotoxicol. , Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. | 論文
- Effects of Heavy Ion Particle Radiation to Hind Limbs Locally on Bone in SHRSP as a Model of Osteoporosis
- Retention excretion and translocation of Pu in rats following the Inhalation of PuO_2 fired at 400 and 1150t
- Dose-effect relationships of lung tumors induced by inhaled plutonium dioxide in the rat
- Dose dependence of lung tumors induced by inhaled plutonium dioxide in the rat
- Quantitative Analysis of Bone Damages after X-ray Irradiation to Whole Body in Mature Rat