片岡 暁 | 科研製薬株式会社 新薬創生センター 薬物動態・安全性部
論文 | ランダム
- 37. Clinical Examination on 118 Positive Patients of Chlamydia Trachomatis
- A Minkowskian Space with Norm Σ|xi|
- 6. The Clinical Usefulness of Sialyl SSEA-1 Antigen as Tumor Marker for Ovarian Cancer in Comparison with that of CA125, CA19-9, TPA, IAP, CEA and Ferritin
- 79. Difference of Renal Tubular Damages in Proteinuria Type and Hypertension Type of Toxemia of Pregnancy: Urinary Trehalase as a Marker
- 51. Experimental Study for the Effect of Chemotherapy with Concominant Radiotherapy on Uterine Cervical Cancer