三宅 典子 | 九州大学大学院医学研究院病態修復内科(第一内科)
論文 | ランダム
- 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Suppresses Gene Expression of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 2 in Human Promyelocytic Leukemia HL-60 Cells
- The Subsurface Geological Structure of the Alluvial Plain of Muroran, Hokkaido
- Visceral Anomalies in Thoracopagus (Two Cases)
- Clinical improvement of membranous nephropathy after endoscopic resection of double early gastrointestinal cancers
- 高血圧自然発症ラット(SHR)の脂質代謝および血清NOにおよぼす食餌脂肪と食塩の影響