榎本 早希子 | 名古屋大学超高圧電子顕微鏡施設
論文 | ランダム
- 書評 Doug Underwood, Journalism and the novel: truth and fiction, 1700-2000: Dallas Liddle, The dynamics of genre: journalism and the practice of literature in mid-Victorian Britain: Matthew Rubery: The novelty of newspapers: Victorian fiction after the inv
- 書評 Francis O'Gorman, ed., The Cambridge companion to Victorian culture
- 家具をめぐる覇権争い--The Odd WomenとIn the Year of Jubileeに表象されるジェンダーの揺らぎ
- Queen Victoria and the Irish industrial exhibition of 1853
- 3.多剤併用療法後に完全切除しえた原発性縦隔セミノーマの1例(第48回日本肺癌学会北陸支部会)