MATSUMURA M. | Dept. Gynec. & Obst., Fukuoka City First Hosp.
論文 | ランダム
- 1. Outlines of National Project for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions Brief History(VI. National Project for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions)(Reports on Volcanic Activities and Volcanological Studies in Japan for the Period from 1999 to 2002)
- New Therapeutic Approach for Myeloid Leukemia : Induction of Apoptosis via Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species Production by Natural Compounds
- 3.舌癌摘出後再建例の構音機能 : 遊離前腕皮弁再建例と遊離腹直筋皮弁再建例の比較(ビデオI)
- 12.口腔・咽頭造影による口腔・中咽頭手術例の構音機能評価(嚥下・構音2)
- 言語治療士の立場から : リハビリテーション医に何を期待するか