YOSIDA T. | Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kinki Univ. Sch. Med. | 論文
- 149. Study on Disturbance of Micturition after Radical Hysterectomy Analysis of Uropharmacology
- 195. Studies on the Neurogenic Bladder after Radical Hysterectomy : Significance of Preservation of the Pelvic Nerve Plexus
- 136. Colposcopic Findings in Ia Stage of Uterine Cervical Cancer : Recognition of Early Infiltration by Colposcopy
- 140. Studies on Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix : Cytological Findings of Mixed Cancer of the Uterine Cervix