村井 隆一 | パナソニック株式会社AVCネットワークス社PDP先行開発G
論文 | ランダム
- A Single-Layer Hollow-Waveguide 8-Way Butler Matrix(Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves)
- A Half-Sized Post-Wall Short-Slot Directional Coupler with Hollow Rectangular Holes in a Dielectric Substrate(Passive Circuits, Recent Technologies of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Devices Focusing on Miniaturization and Advancement in Pe
- A Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Array with a Three-Way Power Divider on a Single-Layer Dielectric Substrate(Antennas and Propagation)
- A Beam Switching Slot Array with a 4-Way Butler Matrix Installed in Single Layer Post-Wall Waveguides (Antenna and Propagation)
- 魅力あるふるさと,発見・再発見--「ふるさと発見フォ-ラム」から (Uタ-ン・魅力ある地域と雇用の創出)