小林 秀隆 | Physics Department, Gifu University
Physics Department, Gifu University | 論文
- Observation of the Muonic Decay, D^±_S → μ^±ν_μ : Particles and Fields
- Spectroscopy of Electro- and Photo-Productions of Hypernuclei(Chapter III.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- Hypernuclear Weak Decays(Chapter III.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- (π^+, K^+) Reaction Spectroscopy of Heavy Hypernuclei(Chapter III.,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)
- Experimental Study of Double-Λ Hyperuclei with Nuclear Emulsion(Cahpter IV. Experiment,Hypernuclei and Baryon-Baryon Interaction)